Franklin Mack Andrews Jr.

Portrait of Franklin Mack Andrews Jr.

Born in Minden, Nevada, December 7, 1921
Graduated from the Douglas County High School, Gardnerville, Nevada, May 1939
Enrolled in the University of California, Davis,
August 1938 - May 1941
Animal Science Curriculum
Member Calpha Club (Phi Delta Theta Fraternity) Golden Hoof Club
West Hall Vigilance Committee
Attended the University of Nevada, 1941 - 42

Military Service

0 755 836

Military Training

Enrolled as a Private in the Enlisted Reserve Corps, 20 June 1942
Appointed Aviation Cadet, AAF Cadet Training Program, Santa Ana AAB, Calif, 26 November 1942
Dec 1942 - Mar 1943, AF Classification Center and Pre-Flight School, Santa Ana, Mar 1943 - May 1943, 12th AAF Fly Tng Det (Primary), Phoenix, Ariz.
May 1943 - Jul 1943, Hq & Hq, 100th (Basic) Flt Tng Gp, Morana, Ariz.
Jul 1943 - Sep 1943, Prov Cadet Det, Hq & Hq Sq, 317th Two-Engine Flt Tng Gp, AAF Pilot School (Advanced) Williams Field, Chandler, Ariz.
Graduated as Pilot and Honorably Discharged from the AAF Cadet Training Program, 30 September 1943.

COMMISSIONED Second Lieutenant, AUS, 1 October 1943; accepted and entered on active duty same date.

Service Assignments

Oct 1943 - Dec 1943, Bomber Pilot, Sq 6, La Junta, Colo.
Dec 1943 - Feb 1944, Bomber Pilot and Co-Pilot, 481st Night Fighter Operational Tng Gp, 1156th Sch Sq (Special), and 430th Bomb Sq, 9th Bomb Gp, Orlando AAB and Brooksville, Florida
Feb 1944 - Apr 1944, Nite Ftr Pilot, 454th Ftr Sq, 478th Nite Ftr Gp & 348th Nite Ftr Sq, 481st Night Fighter
Operational Training Gp, Salinas, Calif.
May 1944 - Jun 1944, Nite Ftr Pilot, Sq T-1, 450th AAF Base Unit, Hammer Field, Fresno California
Jul 1944, Pilot Sq T-1, 451st Base Unit, Salinas, Calif. and Sq T, 460th AAF Base Unit, Hamilton Fld, Calif.
Aug 1944 - Sep 1944, Pilot, 12th Ftr Command, 63rd Ftr Wing, and 414th Night Ftr Sq, Mediterranean Area.

Lieutenant Andrews was killed in action 25 September 1944 Over Italy

Decorations and Awards

PURPLE HEART (Posthumous)
EUROPEAN-AFRICAN-MIDDLE EASTERN CAMPAIGN MEDAL with ONE BRONZE STAR (for participation in the North Apennines Campaign)


Branch of Service