Nathaniel Clifford Wolf

Portrait of Nathaniel Clifford Wolf

Born in Shanghai, China, January 6, 1924
Graduated from the Santa Rosa, California, High School February 1940
Enrolled in the University of California, Davis, August 1940 Plant Science Curriculum - Agronomy
President of Sophomore Class, 1941-42 President of North Hall Club, 1941-42
Awarded Bonnheim Scholarship, 1941-42
Awarded Peter J. Shields Scholarship, 1942-43
Elected to Sigma Xi, 1942
Re-awarded the Peter J. Shields Scholarship for 1943-43 but declined it when he transferred to the Berkeley campus in February 1943 (when all undergraduate instruction on the Davis campus was terminated for the duration)
Co-organizer of the Aggie Club on the Berkeley campus Spring, 1943
Graduated Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (with highest honors) May 1943

Military Service


Enlisted Service

22 Jan 1942; Enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve.
12 Apr 1944; Enlistment terminated to accept appointment as Ensign.

Officer Service

11 Jan 1944; Reported to U.S. Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School, Columbia University, New York City.
22 Mar 1944; Accepted appointment as Ensign D-V (G), USNR, to rank from 13 April 1944.
5 Mar 1945; Reported to USS Boric and assigned as Gunnery and Torpedo Officer on the Destroyer.
28 Jun 4195; Classification changed to {D), U.S. Naval Reserve.

Ensign Nathaniel Clifford Wolf was killed in action on 5 August 1945 when the USS Boric was sunk in a Japanese kamikaze attack.




Branch of Service