Born in Porterville, California, September 22, 1917 Graduated from the Porterville High School, June 1936
(Stricken with Polio in 1934, he fully recovered, participated in and made his letters in all major high school sports)
President of the Senior Class, 1936 President of the Block P Society, 1936
Enrolled in the University of California, Davis, August 1937 Animal Science Curriculum
Transferred to the Berkeley campus for the 1938-39 college year
Re-enrolled on the Davis campus August 1939 Member Zeta Xi (Phi Kappa Sigma) Fraternity
Withdrew in September 1940 to enlist
Military Service
0 424 491
Military Training
Enlisted in the Army of the United States, 27 December 1940 and assigned to the Flying Cadets, AAF, Hammer Field, Fresno, Calif.
From Jan 41 to Mar 41, Air Corps Flying Cadets Training Detachment, Ontario, Calif.
Mar 41 to May 41, AC Fly Cadet Tng Det, Advanced Flying School, San Angelo, Texas
Jun 41 to Aug 41, AC Fly Cadet Det, Adv Fly Sch, Gulf Coast AC Tng Ctr, Kelly Field, Texas Graduated from the Air Corps Training Center, Kelly Field, 15 August 1941, as Pilot and honorably discharged.
COMMISSIONED Second Lieutenant, Air Corps Reserve, 15 August 1941; accepted same date and entered active duty the following day with the Army Air Corps, 41st Bombing Squadron.
Active Service Assignments
From Apr 41 to Apr 42, Pilot, 41st Bomb Sq (M), 13th Bomb Gp, San Antonio, Texas; Orlando AB, Fla., and Westover Field, Mass.
In Service 1 year, 3 months and 7 days.
Lieutenant Frame died* 3 April 1942 from injuries accidentally incurred.
* Lieutenant Frame 's B-25 crashed-burned near West Greenwich R.I. while on off-shore patrol. All five crew members died.
Decorations and Awards
INTERMENT The Family Plot, Porterville Cemetery.